To be most innovate and competitive player in the field of creative and film industry. Creating value for our partners in local and global contexts while also considering social responibility towards all parties involved.
Total area
276 thousand m²
2,970 thousand sq. ft
Built up area
57 thousand m²
614 thousand sq. ft
The studios are situated at the cross-roads of three states in the CEE region for quick and easy access to diverse scenic locations both urban and rural
The studios are strategically located for logistical convenience 10 km from Bratislava near the boarders of Austria, Slovakia and Hungary, next to highways to Vienna and Budapest, and in close vicinity to Vienna Airport (30 minute drive) and Bratislava airport (15 minute drive)
A purpose-built facility with over 57 thousand m2 (614 thousand sq. ft) of studio space that includes workshops, warehouses and offices has been designed around the latest movie industry production success imperatives, including adoption of the latest visual and sound technologies and uniquely connected to a powerful data centre backbone
A total of 12 thousand m2 (130 thousand sq. ft) across 11 space adaptable stages
Stages R1 – R3
6 thousand m²
65 thousand sq. ft
Stages R4 – R7
4 thousand m²
43 thousand sq. ft
Stages G1 – G2
1,4 thousand m²
15 thousand sq. ft
Stages B1 – B2
1 thousand m²
11 thousand sq. ft
Stages B1, B2
Specifically designed for television projects with corresponding technical equipment
Workshops, stage set storage & warehouses – 11 thousand m2 (118 thousand sq. ft)